3-Pointers Made - Season: Career Total / Average /

3-Pointers Made - Playoffs: Career Total / Average /

Bullets (1st) All-Time 3-Pointers Made Leaders: Career Totals in the Playoffs

List with the stats for the top 50 players with the most career total 3-pointers made in the Playoffs in Bullets (1st) history.

Notes: - These stats were updated on May 15, 2024
- The NBA adopted the 3-point line in the 1979-80 season.
- In this case, 'Playoffs' and 'Games' only include playoffs since 1980.

* Players in bold played in the 2024 Playoffs

Bullets (1st) All-Time 3-Pointers Made Leaders:
Career Totals in the Playoffs - Top 50

3-Pointers Made
Playoffs Games Total
3-Pointers Attempted
1. Jim Baechtold 0 0 0 -
Walt Budko 0 0 0 -
Dick Bunt 0 0 0 -
Herm Fuetsch 0 0 0 -
Don Henriksen 0 0 0 -
Kleggie Hermsen 0 0 0 -
Paul Hoffman 0 0 0 -
Buddy Jeannette 0 0 0 -
Jack Kerris 0 0 0 -
Herm Klotz 0 0 0 -
Freddie Lewis 0 0 0 -
Grady Lewis 0 0 0 -
Ray Lumpp 0 0 0 -
Carl Meinhold 0 0 0 -
Eddie Miller 0 0 0 -
Ralph O'Brien 0 0 0 -
Jake Pelkington 0 0 0 -
Bob Priddy 0 0 0 -
Chick Reiser 0 0 0 -
Dick Schulz 0 0 0 -
Connie Simmons 0 0 0 -
Stan Stutz 0 0 0 -
Sid Tanenbaum 0 0 0 -
Hal Tidrick 0 0 0 -
Jack Toomay 0 0 0 -