1988-89 Boston Celtics
Season: Stats / Season Series
Playoffs: Stats / Playoff Series
Boston Celtics 1988-89 Roster - Season and Playoffs
Full list of players that played for the Boston Celtics in the 1988-89 NBA Regular Season and the 1989 NBA Playoffs with their jersey number, position, height, birthdate, draft information, games played and some basic stats.
The Boston Celtics used 17 players in the 1988-89 Regular Season and 11 in the 1989 Playoffs.
Brian Shaw is the player from this roster with the most regular season games played, with 82.
Note: Here you have the complete list of players that played in at least 1 game in 1989, ordered by games played and then alphabetically.
Regular Season: 42-40 (.512), 8th in Eastern Conference
Playoffs: 0-3 (.000), Lost East Conf 1st Rd
1989 Boston Celtics Roster
Jersey | Player |
Season | Playoffs |
20 |
| 8.6 pts | 17.0 pts |
35 |
| 18.5 pts | 20.3 pts |
00 |
| 18.6 pts | 15.7 pts |
32 |
| 22.5 pts | 19.0 pts |
31 |
| 2.5 pts |
Jersey | Player |
Season | Playoffs |
3 |
| 10.0 pts | 2.7 pts |
42 |
| 2.2 pts | 0.0 pts |
4 |
| 8.6 pts | |
54 |
| 5.6 pts | |
44 |
| 15.9 pts |
Jersey | Player |
Season | Playoffs |
34 |
| 4.3 pts | 8.0 pts |
54 |
| 10.1 pts | 2.7 pts |
53 |
| 6.1 pts | 6.3 pts |
45 |
| 1.4 pts | |
7 |
| 7.0 pts | 3.3 pts |