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Iraq Stats in the Basketball World Cup

Information about Iraq National Team and its appearances in the FIBA World Championships, with stats of games, points, top scorers, tournaments played and medals won, best and worst performances and other data.

General Stats - World Cup Performances - All the Games and Results

Iraq General Stats

National Team World Cups
Iraq Iraq 0
did not participate in 19
Medals All-Time Standing
- - - -
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal Total
view full standings...


Games Played Wins Losses Difference Winning %
0 0 0 0 .000

Points Average

Scored Against Difference
0.0 0.0 0.0

Points Totals

Scored Against Difference
0 0 0

Best Performance

World Cup National Team Standing Stage

Worst Performance

World Cup National Team Standing Stage

Iraq in all the World Cups...


Last 3 Games Played


more: All the games played by Iraq in the World Cups...