3-Pointers Made - Season: Career Total / Average /

3-Pointers Made - Playoffs: Career Total / Average /

Steamrollers All-Time 3-Pointers Made Leaders: Career Totals in the Regular Season

List with the stats for the top 50 players with the most career total 3-pointers made in the Regular Season in Steamrollers history.

Notes: - These stats were updated on May 5, 2024
- The NBA adopted the 3-point line in the 1979-80 season.
- In this case, 'Seasons' and 'Games' only include seasons since 1979-80.

* Players in bold played in the 2024 Regular Season

Steamrollers All-Time 3-Pointers Made Leaders:
Career Totals in the Regular Season - Top 50

3-Pointers Made
Seasons Games Total
3-Pointers Attempted
1. Hank Beenders 0 0 0 -
Bob Brown 0 0 0 -
Tom Callahan 0 0 0 -
Ernie Calverley 0 0 0 -
Armand Cure 0 0 0 -
Red Dehnert 0 0 0 -
Bill Downey 0 0 0 -
Johnny Ezersky 0 0 0 -
Dick Fitzgerald 0 0 0 -
Pop Goodwin 0 0 0 -
Wyndol Gray 0 0 0 -
Woody Grimshaw 0 0 0 -
Chick Halbert 0 0 0 -
Nat Hickey 0 0 0 -
Bob Hubbard 0 0 0 -
John Janisch 0 0 0 -
Ken Keller 0 0 0 -
Jerry Kelly 0 0 0 -
Dino Martin 0 0 0 -
Ariel Maughan 0 0 0 -
George Mearns 0 0 0 -
Carl Meinhold 0 0 0 -
Elmore Morgenthaler 0 0 0 -
George Nostrand 0 0 0 -
Buddy O'Grady 0 0 0 -
Fred Paine 0 0 0 -
George Pastushok 0 0 0 -
Les Pugh 0 0 0 -
Mel Riebe 0 0 0 -
Lee Robbins 0 0 0 -
Hank Rosenstein 0 0 0 -
Giff Roux 0 0 0 -
Kenny Sailors 0 0 0 -
Ben Scharnus 0 0 0 -
Otto Schnellbacher 0 0 0 -
Earl Shannon 0 0 0 -
Howie Shannon 0 0 0 -
Bob Shea 0 0 0 -
Lou Spicer 0 0 0 -
Mel Thurston 0 0 0 -
Andy Tonkovich 0 0 0 -
Jack Toomay 0 0 0 -
Brady Walker 0 0 0 -
Jake Weber 0 0 0 -
Ray Wertis 0 0 0 -