Complete Stats Comparison of Tim Duncan and Kevin Garnett

Here you have a complete side-by-side comparison of all the stats recorded by Tim Duncan and Kevin Garnett during their NBA careers. First we show you a summary of who had better numbers on each statistical category and then we compare in detail the performance of each of these stars in the regular season and the Playoffs, both in total stats and averages per game.

This in-dept comparison includes all the numbers, if you prefer a simplified version of this analysis with only the basic statistics, you will find it at the career comparison of these two NBA stars.

On this page we compare:

Who has better stats? Main stats / All stats
Regular Season: Averages / Totals / Pecentages
Playoffs: Averages / Totals / Pecentages

Main Stats Summary:

Who has better stats in the Regular Season?
Points, rebounds, assists, steals and blocks
Player Better Career Average Better Career TotalYears
Tim Duncan3
(points, rebounds, blocks)
(points, rebounds, blocks)
Kevin Garnett2
(assists, steals)
(assists, steals)
Who has better stats in the Playoffs?
Points, rebounds, assists, steals and blocks
Player Better Career Average Better Career TotalYears
Tim Duncan3
(points, rebounds, blocks)
(points, rebounds, assists, blocks)
Kevin Garnett2
(assists, steals)

All Stats Summary:

Who has better stats in the Regular Season?
All the stats
Player Better Career Average Better Career TotalBetter Percentage
Tim Duncan7
Kevin Garnett4
they are tied1
Who has better stats in the Playoffs?
All the stats
Player Better Career Average Better Career TotalBetter Percentage
Tim Duncan7
Kevin Garnett5

- "Better Career Total" includes games and years played as stats.

- For turnovers and personal fouls, lower numbers are better.

- Field goal, free-throw and three-point attempts are not included on these tables since it can't be said that higher is better.

Now, lets compare all their stats in detail, one by one...

Comparison of Stats Per Game in the Regular Season

Comparison highlight:

Comparison highlight In the Regular Season, out of the five main statistical categories, Tim Duncan had better averages in points, rebounds and blocks while Kevin Garnett had better averages in assists and steals.

Who had higher averages in the Regular Season?

- Tim Duncan had better averages in points (+1.2), field goals made (+0.2), free throws made (+0.9), offensive rebounds (+0.6), defensive rebounds (+0.3), total rebounds (+0.8) and blocks (+0.8)
- Kevin Garnett had better averages in 3-pointers made (+0.1), assists (+0.7) and steals (+0.6)
- Tim Duncan had higher (worst) average in turnovers (+0.2)
- Tim Duncan had higher averages in field goals attempted (+0.1) and free throws attempted (+1.9)
- Kevin Garnett had higher average in 3-pointers attempted (+0.3)

NBA Regular Season, Career Stats Per Game

Tim Duncan 19.0
Kevin Garnett 17.8
Field Goals Made
Tim Duncan 7.4
Kevin Garnett 7.2
Field Goals Attempted
Tim Duncan 14.6
Kevin Garnett 14.5
Tim Duncan 0.0
Kevin Garnett 0.1
3-Pointers Attempted
Tim Duncan 0.1
Kevin Garnett 0.4
Free Throws Made
Tim Duncan 4.2
Kevin Garnett 3.3
Free Throws Attempted
Tim Duncan 6.1
Kevin Garnett 4.2
Offensive Rebounds
Tim Duncan 2.8
Kevin Garnett 2.2
Defensive Rebounds
Tim Duncan 8.1
Kevin Garnett 7.8
Tim Duncan 10.8
Kevin Garnett 10.0
Tim Duncan 3.0
Kevin Garnett 3.7
Tim Duncan 0.7
Kevin Garnett 1.3
Tim Duncan 2.2
Kevin Garnett 1.4
(lower is better)
Tim Duncan 2.4
Kevin Garnett 2.2
Personal Fouls
(lower is better)
Tim Duncan 2.4
Kevin Garnett 2.4

Comparison of Totals Stats in the Regular Season

Comparison highlight:

Comparison highlight In the Regular Season, out of the five main statistical categories, Tim Duncan had more total points, rebounds and blocks while Kevin Garnett had more total assists and steals.

Who had more total stats in the Regular Season?

- Tim Duncan had more points (+425), free throws made (+1,009), offensive rebounds (+650), total rebounds (+429) and blocks (+983)
- Kevin Garnett played more years (+2) and games (+70), and had more field goals made (+220), 3-pointers made (+144), defensive rebounds (+221), assists (+1,220) and steals (+834)
- Tim Duncan had more turnovers (+202)
- Kevin Garnett had more personal fouls (+257)
- Tim Duncan had more free throws attempted (+2,278)
- Kevin Garnett had more field goals attempted (+808) and 3-pointers attempted (+464)

NBA Regular Season Stats, Career Totals

Tim Duncan 19
Kevin Garnett 21
Tim Duncan 1,392
Kevin Garnett 1,462
Tim Duncan 26,496
Kevin Garnett 26,071
Field Goals Made
Tim Duncan 10,285
Kevin Garnett 10,505
Field Goals Attempted
Tim Duncan 20,334
Kevin Garnett 21,142
Tim Duncan 30
Kevin Garnett 174
3-Pointers Attempted
Tim Duncan 168
Kevin Garnett 632
Free Throws Made
Tim Duncan 5,896
Kevin Garnett 4,887
Free Throws Attempted
Tim Duncan 8,468
Kevin Garnett 6,190
Offensive Rebounds
Tim Duncan 3,859
Kevin Garnett 3,209
Defensive Rebounds
Tim Duncan 11,232
Kevin Garnett 11,453
Tim Duncan 15,091
Kevin Garnett 14,662
Tim Duncan 4,225
Kevin Garnett 5,445
Tim Duncan 1,025
Kevin Garnett 1,859
Tim Duncan 3,020
Kevin Garnett 2,037
(lower is better)
Tim Duncan 3,381
Kevin Garnett 3,179
Personal Fouls
(lower is better)
Tim Duncan 3,304
Kevin Garnett 3,561

Comparison of Percentages in the Regular Season

Comparison highlight:

Comparison highlight In the Regular Season, Kevin Garnett had better 3-point percentage and free throw percentage while Tim Duncan had better field goal percentage.

NBA Regular Season Stats, Career Percentages

Field Goal Percentage
Tim Duncan 50.6%
Kevin Garnett 49.7%
3-Point Percentage
Tim Duncan 17.9%
Kevin Garnett 27.5%
Free Throw Percentage
Tim Duncan 69.6%
Kevin Garnett 78.9%

Comparison of Stats Per Game in the Playoffs

Comparison highlight:

Comparison highlight In the Playoffs, out of the five main statistical categories, Tim Duncan had better averages in points, rebounds and blocks while Kevin Garnett had better averages in assists and steals.

Who had higher averages in the Playoffs?

- Tim Duncan had better averages in points (+2.4), field goals made (+0.5), free throws made (+1.5), offensive rebounds (+0.9), total rebounds (+0.7) and blocks (+1.0)
- Kevin Garnett had better averages in 3-pointers made (+0.1), defensive rebounds (+0.2), assists (+0.3) and steals (+0.5)
- Tim Duncan had higher (worst) average in turnovers (+0.1)
- Kevin Garnett had higher (worst) average in personal fouls (+0.2)
- Tim Duncan had higher averages in field goals attempted (+0.2) and free throws attempted (+2.9)
- Kevin Garnett had higher average in 3-pointers attempted (+0.3)

NBA Playoffs, Career Stats Per Game

Tim Duncan 20.6
Kevin Garnett 18.2
Field Goals Made
Tim Duncan 7.9
Kevin Garnett 7.4
Field Goals Attempted
Tim Duncan 15.7
Kevin Garnett 15.5
Tim Duncan 0.0
Kevin Garnett 0.1
3-Pointers Attempted
Tim Duncan 0.1
Kevin Garnett 0.4
Free Throws Made
Tim Duncan 4.8
Kevin Garnett 3.3
Free Throws Attempted
Tim Duncan 7.0
Kevin Garnett 4.1
Offensive Rebounds
Tim Duncan 3.1
Kevin Garnett 2.2
Defensive Rebounds
Tim Duncan 8.3
Kevin Garnett 8.5
Tim Duncan 11.4
Kevin Garnett 10.7
Tim Duncan 3.0
Kevin Garnett 3.3
Tim Duncan 0.7
Kevin Garnett 1.2
Tim Duncan 2.3
Kevin Garnett 1.3
(lower is better)
Tim Duncan 2.5
Kevin Garnett 2.4
Personal Fouls
(lower is better)
Tim Duncan 2.8
Kevin Garnett 3.0

Comparison of Totals Stats in the Playoffs

Comparison highlight:

Comparison highlight In the Playoffs, out of the five main statistical categories, Tim Duncan had more total points, rebounds, assists and blocks while Kevin Garnett had more total steals.

Who had more total stats in the Playoffs?

- Tim Duncan played more years (+4) and games (+108), and had more points (+2,571), field goals made (+916), free throws made (+749), offensive rebounds (+458), defensive rebounds (+867), total rebounds (+1,325), assists (+293) and blocks (+382)
- Kevin Garnett had more 3-pointers made (+10) and steals (+10)
- Tim Duncan had more turnovers (+291) and personal fouls (+270)
- Tim Duncan had more field goals attempted (+1,723) and free throws attempted (+1,173)
- Kevin Garnett had more 3-pointers attempted (+20)

NBA Playoffs Stats, Career Totals

Tim Duncan 18
Kevin Garnett 14
Tim Duncan 251
Kevin Garnett 143
Tim Duncan 5,172
Kevin Garnett 2,601
Field Goals Made
Tim Duncan 1,975
Kevin Garnett 1,059
Field Goals Attempted
Tim Duncan 3,939
Kevin Garnett 2,216
Tim Duncan 5
Kevin Garnett 15
3-Pointers Attempted
Tim Duncan 35
Kevin Garnett 55
Free Throws Made
Tim Duncan 1,217
Kevin Garnett 468
Free Throws Attempted
Tim Duncan 1,766
Kevin Garnett 593
Offensive Rebounds
Tim Duncan 778
Kevin Garnett 320
Defensive Rebounds
Tim Duncan 2,081
Kevin Garnett 1,214
Tim Duncan 2,859
Kevin Garnett 1,534
Tim Duncan 764
Kevin Garnett 471
Tim Duncan 168
Kevin Garnett 178
Tim Duncan 568
Kevin Garnett 186
(lower is better)
Tim Duncan 633
Kevin Garnett 342
Personal Fouls
(lower is better)
Tim Duncan 701
Kevin Garnett 431

Comparison of Percentages in the Playoffs

Comparison highlight:

Comparison highlight In the Playoffs, Kevin Garnett had better 3-point percentage and free throw percentage while Tim Duncan had better field goal percentage.

NBA Playoffs Stats, Career Percentages

Field Goal Percentage
Tim Duncan 50.1%
Kevin Garnett 47.8%
3-Point Percentage
Tim Duncan 14.3%
Kevin Garnett 27.3%
Free Throw Percentage
Tim Duncan 68.9%
Kevin Garnett 78.9%